Brian Larson commented on another set of great questions yesterday from John Rees on MLS Tesseract, that John posted on his Strategic MLS blog that look at legal considerations to consider when evaluating the RPR opportunity. We encourage all MLSs to read John’s questions and to include them in their discussions and evaluations.
Click to see the entire article from John Rees
Another question that came up as a result of my RPR Report from Ron Stephen, Executive Vice President of RealtyWEB.NET MLS in Jacksonville, FL was the potential impact RPR
could have on MLS membership. Ron pointed out correctly that Authorized RPR users do not have to belong to the MLS but include any member of NAR. In the “facts” section of the RPR agreement it points out that participants/subscribers who belong to Provider’s MLS will benefit from the RPR Offerings…” But in the definition section it states:
“Authorized RPR User” means a Person who is a Participant/Subscriber or a member in good standing of NAR.