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Broker Insights

A New Era of MLS Mergers and Acquisitions Arrives

June 25th, 2024|

There is very little clarity today about the fast spreading news that Realtor Association shareholders of RE Colorado have given notice that they intend to sell their shares of the MLS to a private equity firm. The Realtor Associations want out of their investment, and it doesn't really matter why. To date no MLS has ever been sold to private equity investors. Some MLSs have been sold outright to fellow Associations and MLS, but to our knowledge, we never seen private equity enter this space until now. This could set off a wave of transactions if private equity starts to pay attention to the profitable business models of Multiple Listing Services.

Collabra Technology joins the CoreLogic® Real Estate Alliance Network

June 25th, 2024|

Since Homesnap was sunsetted, agents have missed the ability to seamlessly promote their listings directly from the MLS. Now with this new partnership between Corelogic and Collabra, users of MLS-Touch and Matrix will be able to promote their listings via digital advertising with one click right from inside two of their core tools. As days on market have started to increase and buyers are being more selective, the need to generate listing attention is ever greater. For Corelogic users, they will now have a seamless way to give their listings social media exposure without the cumbersome process of exporting their listing out of the MLS and into another system.  Great addition to the Corelogic Alliance Network in my view.

MLS and Association Best Practices

Why are so many of our strongest Association Executives getting fired?

July 22nd, 2024|

Today, it is more important than ever that the real estate industry nurtures and protects its best and brightest staff executives. We need people that are thoughtfully helping the industry navigate the uncertain waters we are swimming in right now. I have noticed an alarming trend, though, counter to this need. In the past year or so, many progressive Association Executive leaders have been dismissed without cause, advance notice, or well-documented justification. It seems as though as the market has gotten tougher the number of firings has increased. This alarming trend made me think about a few things that may be lacking in training and governance orchestration we may want to consider.

Real Estate Technology Trends

Strategic Planning and Research

Why are so many of our strongest Association Executives getting fired?

July 22nd, 2024|

Today, it is more important than ever that the real estate industry nurtures and protects its best and brightest staff executives. We need people that are thoughtfully helping the industry navigate the uncertain waters we are swimming in right now. I have noticed an alarming trend, though, counter to this need. In the past year or so, many progressive Association Executive leaders have been dismissed without cause, advance notice, or well-documented justification. It seems as though as the market has gotten tougher the number of firings has increased. This alarming trend made me think about a few things that may be lacking in training and governance orchestration we may want to consider.

Are you treating your MLS subscribers as the Customers they are?

July 11th, 2024|

MLSs mistakenly refer to their customers as members. They are NOT members. MLSs are not trade associations. They are technology companies. Have you ever heard Verizon, Apple or AT&T call their subscribers – “members”? Have you ever Starlink or Spectrum call their paid subscribers – “members”?  These subscription-based technology companies think of every one of their paid subscribers as customers. They understand that every one of their customers has a choice to pay for their services or not so they continually focus on how to retain their customers