The National Association of REALTORS has moved headlong into finding new ways to communicate with REALTORS. Among those strategies are Facebook pages and now, Facebook Ads!
Imagine my surprise today when this ad poped up on a Facebook page I was visiting. The call to action was “Are you a REALTOR? and the link takes you to the Houselogic Content Resource page. I thumbed it up. I like the ad and I like the strategy. Advertising on Facebook is easy and very inexpensive relative to other online advertising strategies. Choosing Keywords like Real Estate, REALTOR, etc will insure that your ad only appears when there is content on the page that matches your core audience. Fancier methods allow you to only advertise in particular areas.
If you are an Association of REALTORS looking to spread your education and advocacy efforts to your members, try doing it on Facebook. If a fan page does not work, try advertising. You can set a reasonable budget like $25 per week and watch the impact it has. MLSs have begun to widely communicate with subscribers and participants using Facebook – WAV Group has coached MLSs on this strategy. Next up will be Brokers recruiting for agents on Facebook – I am surprised not to see any of that yet.
Here is another article we wrote about MLSs using Facebook