There is one metric on the financials that gains little attention by brokerages — Fallen Sales, or Deals Fallen Through (DFT). They are on everyone productivity report, but when asked why they number is what it is, no one can explain why these deals are lost.

It is surprising on how much business is lost every month because of a fallen sale. It is more surprising that only a few people dive into the why and how this business is lost, and if they can resuscitate or learn how to make a deal to fly again.

Peter McGarry, of McGarry Properties, and I have had several discussions on the topic of DFTs. Our conversation ranged from what is the number of DFTs to the value Agent’s experience when a Manager assist to have a deal back into flight. We also discuss how technology might be leveraged as an Emergency Medical Team before the patient hits the ER room.

This vlog is a snapshot of our conversations and for us, highlights DFTs as an essential metric that impacts all the brokerage’s business pillars.

Also, in a few weeks, be on the prow to view an interview with a Branch Manager on why DFT’s are important to her.



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