WAV Group started the first national MLS Technology research back in 2004. At the time, transaction management solutions were in their infancy. The ESIGN ACT was enacted by congress in June of 2000, and by 2003 DocuSign was a startup. The biggest problem in real estate was coordinating the closing of sales. Two decades later, it remains real estate’s most significant challenge.

WAV Group has published 5 or 6 transaction management studies over the years. They are available for download on the Research page of our website. We saw the giants of FNIS and First American pour millions into software, and also watched as they faded and the leaders like Instanet, Skyslope, Forms Simplicity, ZipLogix, DocuSign, DotLoop, and others emerged in their place.

Much has changed in real estate transaction management, and we are curious if it is about to change violently again. The 2020 WAV Group Broker Transaction Management Adoption Study is being fielded to understand how the industry is changed and gain some perspective on where it may be going.

Are customers changing as a result of Lone Wolf consolidating the two largest transaction management companies in real estate? Will brokers and agents take a different look at DotLoop now that they are owned by a competing brokerage like Zillow?

If you are an MLS or an AOR – send this survey link to your brokers.

If you are a broker – please take the survey.

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Thank you for your cooperation in the development of this mission-critical research on the marketplace. The survey results will be available for download here on WAV Group this fall.