The Problem of Offer Management and the Path to Fixing the Chaos

Meet Shauna Drumm and Nancy Moeller, leaders behind the innovative new offer management solution Every Offer. (Podcast)

By |2020-09-24T16:24:32-07:00September 24th, 2020|Broker-Agent Information, Technology, WAVes of Tech|Comments Off on The Problem of Offer Management and the Path to Fixing the Chaos

If You Use a Mac, iPad, iPhone – Read This

Folks, I cannot stress this enough: the moment I experienced the seamless integration between the iPhone and the Macbook for the first time, my life changed for the better.

By |2020-01-11T07:49:40-08:00January 10th, 2020|Product Management, Technology Evaluation, WAVes of Tech|Comments Off on If You Use a Mac, iPad, iPhone – Read This

Have You Considered Selling Your Technology in Europe?

For the past five years or so, WAV Group has been attending the Real Estate and New Technology (RENT) conference in Paris. It is enormously stimulating and absolutely my favorite conference each year. Would you like to join us?

By |2019-08-13T15:17:41-07:00August 13th, 2019|Conferences, Technology, WAVes of Tech|Comments Off on Have You Considered Selling Your Technology in Europe?

WAVes of Tech: Phishing in Real Estate and Recruiting Experience

A key practice to protect yourself and your customers from scammers and hackers is education. When I was asked by Janet Sowers of the Realtor Association of Sarasota and Manatee (RASM) to present at a session on “Beware of the Phish! Wire Fraud in Real Estate Transactions”, there was only one response. Absolutely, YES!

By |2020-03-29T10:35:30-07:00August 20th, 2018|Cyber, WAVes of Tech|2 Comments

WAVes of Tech – Spreadsheets on Steroids, RESO, and MLS Policy

Last week I was introduced to a new application while working on a project with a client. The application is Airtable and has changed my view on using the standard spreadsheet and database tools.

By |2018-06-11T15:00:00-07:00June 11th, 2018|WAVes of Tech|1 Comment