Backed by Google, Zillow Set to Become Online Brokerage

Real Estate is not just an online thing. It’s a global thing. People buy houses all around the globe, and in many nations – the notion of online real estate is hot.  In the small nation of England, companies valued at £312m, or £40m Housesimple along with easyProperty and eMoov are all trying to make a go of it with significant venture backing. Online real estate is ripe for the taking. Zillow Group will not need to go out for additional funding to pivot to online real estate.  The company is valued at over $5B and is operating at a run [...]

The Best Kept Secrets for Agent Retention

There is nothing more devastating to a brokerage than losing a top performer. Many times these departures come as a total surprise that leaves the company scrambling to find ways to get them to change their mind and to stop more top producers following them out the door. So what can brokerages do to stop this painful bleeding that happens all too often? Here are a few suggestions that have proven to be successful. Ask for Anonymous Feedback We have worked with brokerages fielding surveys to get their agents’ input for everything from the technologies offered, the quality of yard [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:23:15-07:00May 18th, 2016|Broker-Agent Information, Wav of Change|0 Comments

Broker Public Portal Reveals Partnership and Plan

It is with much excitement that I would like to announce some major news for the Broker Public Portal project!   We have been researching the value of consumer property search sites like the Broker Public Portal since 2005 and we’re thrilled to announce a game-changing opportunity for agents and brokers to captivate consumers! Broker Public Portal has executed a binding letter of intent with Homesnap, a creator of highly rated apps for consumers and agents, to launch a national home search experience defined by simplicity, integrity and common sense.   The program will be marketed under the Homesnap brand. Homesnap is [...]

Does Your Brand Have a Strategic Plan?

If you are reading this, you are somewhere in the real estate ecosystem – either part of an MLS, a REALTORS® Association, a large brokerage, or a technology firm that serves one of those personas. We work with some of these personas on strategy, we work with some on story, we all of them on state.   Strategy, Story, and State are business terms that are bantered around a lot. Saying the words has no meaning unless you are able to contextualize them within your own business. That process of contextualization is work that needs to be done by businesses [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:23:24-07:00January 31st, 2016|Main category|0 Comments

Brokerage Technology – Light at the End of the Tunnel – Part 3 of 5

Part 3 of a 5 part series called Broker Technology, an Industry Missing Backbone By WAV Group Brokers, large and small, face significant challenges they did not face 20 years ago.  Profit margins have eroded and control over their independent contractors has been minimized.   The consumer has taken on a much more vocal role in the process and is forcing transparency and responsiveness never before experienced.   Some of these challenges are related to technology and the advance of the Internet while others are cultural challenges that have come about through the changing broker/agent relationship.  WAV Group’s new white paper explores the issues behind the broker’s [...]