Note: If you do not have a RE Technology account, please contact April at, and I will be happy to create a complimentary account for you.  More than 70 MLSs and Associations offer RE Technology as a free member benefit - contact for a program overview.     RE Technology wants to support our MLS partners by highlighting articles that peeked the most amount of agent and broker readership.  The goal of this effort is to provide content for MLSs to re-purpose to their members. Feel free to use these articles in any of your communication programs [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:25:04-07:00May 4th, 2012|Broker Technology Research, Broker-Agent Information, Clients, Main category, Our Company, Our Services, Reports, Technology Evaluation|Comments Off on TOP 5 AGENT & BROKER ARTICLES OF THE WEEK!

Move Announces 2x More Revenue than Zillow

Today, there are two front-runners in online property search – Zillow and Move. They are both public companies. Falling in line behind them are two private companies, and Trulia. Here is how the revenue stacks up on the public companies. Move, Inc., Operators of who is in partnership with AOL Real Estate and MSN real estate for publishing broker listings reported revenue of $47.7 million today. Move did not report any earnings or losses. Seattle Upstart Zillow has been on a run, increasing traffic to levels comparable with Move and purchasing companies. They reported revenue of $22.8M and [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:25:04-07:00May 4th, 2012|Broker Technology Research, Main category, Marketing, Press Releases|Comments Off on Move Announces 2x More Revenue than Zillow

CRMLS Partners With for Full Offering

Today’s real estate technology companies are partnering with MLSs at an unprecedented rate. This trend is brought about by natural gravity. The MLS is the primary source of fundamental technology for real estate professionals. WAV Group is beginning to see a number of MLSs pursuing a variety of strategies for offering non-core MLS services. Historically, MLSs only pursued site licenses for technology for their members, paying a price per member per month. This trend expanded as emerging products like Listhub, Property Panorama, and Listingbook began to offer Freemium services, where the MLS offered a free basic version of the product, [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:25:04-07:00May 3rd, 2012|Broker Technology Research, Broker-Agent Information, Main category, Marketing, MLS Insights, Press Releases, Strategic Planning|Comments Off on CRMLS Partners With for Full Offering

Two Brokers Go YouTube on Syndicaiton

Listing Syndication has become one of the more polarizing business topics in the real estate industry. Everyone seems to have a view, and many groups are trying to figure out how to fix it. There is no doubt that some companies are benefiting from syndication, but most find only little or moderate success. We seem to be hitting an inflection point with syndication where a lot of change is about to happen - slowly I suspect - like all real estate trends. The Council of MLS published two surveys this week - one for consumers and another for professionals. They are [...]

Explaining an MLS App Store

I am not sure if anyone is allowed to use Apple's famous App Store name, but lets suffice it to say that the term App Store is familiar to most - so lets use that anyway. The key components of an App Store are Instant delivery, Platform Specific, eCommerce enabled. This is really important to understand because FBS truly is launching the first real MLS App Store. This is different from the RE Technology Success Store, which we call an App Store, but it is really an eCommerce solution. Let me explain: Instant Installation The key component of [...]