WAV Group Releases 2024 Brokerage Technology Roadmap Part 2: The Intranet

Part 2 of the report sheds light on the pivotal role played by the company intranet in driving agent productivity and facilitating product adoption. Building an effective intranet involves careful consideration of various factors, including email integration, single sign-on functionality, and commission payment portals.

By |2024-07-16T12:57:50-07:00April 3rd, 2024|Broker-Agent Information, Real Estate Technology, Reports, Technology, Whitepaper|Comments Off on WAV Group Releases 2024 Brokerage Technology Roadmap Part 2: The Intranet

The Shifting Dynamics of Buyer-Agent Relationships in Real Estate

In the ever-evolving realm of real estate, the age-old question of whether to hire a buyer's agent is gaining renewed prominence, fueled by recent lawsuits that seek to shift compensation structures. As aspiring homeowners embark on their journey to property ownership, the necessity of engaging an agent is coming under increased scrutiny. Our latest research report, titled "How buyers feel about working with agents" delves into the services homebuyers value most and the imperative for agents to articulate the value they bring to the table in today's dynamic market.

By |2024-01-03T09:04:23-08:00January 3rd, 2024|Broker-Agent Information, Industry Observations, Reports, Research, Suveys and Research, WAV Group Research|Comments Off on The Shifting Dynamics of Buyer-Agent Relationships in Real Estate

New Study Reveals Increased Transparency Leads to Increased Value

WAV Group’s new Buyer Agent Commission Study reveals many insights from buyers about their awareness, understanding and appreciation of how commissions work when buying a home.

By |2022-10-12T04:17:52-07:00October 12th, 2022|Reports, Research, Suveys and Research, Whitepaper|Comments Off on New Study Reveals Increased Transparency Leads to Increased Value

Minimize Buyer Frustration with Adequate Education Upfront

The WAV Group’s recent study on homebuyer frustration reveals many pain points that homebuyers have been experiencing in the recent seller’s market.  While some of the frustration is unique to the market conditions of 2020 and 202, like multiple bid situations, there are still many insights that can help agents prepare their clients for the process regardless of market conditions.

By |2022-07-18T13:11:54-07:00July 18th, 2022|Broker-Agent Information, Industry Observations, Reports, Research, Suveys and Research, WAV Group Research|Comments Off on Minimize Buyer Frustration with Adequate Education Upfront

72% of Recent Homebuyers Report Feeling Some Level of Frustration with Their Home Purchase.

It is often said that for most people buying a home is the single largest purchase of their lives. A decision of that magnitude should be made with time and careful consideration, but recent buyers have been rushing from one house to the next, making offers as quickly as they can.  It should be no surprise then that the chief complaint revealed in the WAV Group Homebuyer Frustration Report was feeling rushed to make an offer on the house, with 49% of frustrated buyers pointing to this issue.

By |2022-07-14T08:12:03-07:00July 14th, 2022|Reports, Research, Thought Leadership, WAV Group Research|Comments Off on 72% of Recent Homebuyers Report Feeling Some Level of Frustration with Their Home Purchase.

Transaction Management Systems need to “talk to one another” for more Market Efficiency

The 2021 WAV Group Transaction Management Interoperability Study revealed brokers have strong interest in the ability for Digital Transaction Management systems to pass data seamlessly for the brokerages representing two sides of a transaction. Today, brokers have to enter data in as many as 9 or 10 systems, creating inefficiency, added cost and increased chances of inaccurate data.

By |2021-08-16T16:08:31-07:00August 17th, 2021|Broker Technology Research, Reports, Research|Comments Off on Transaction Management Systems need to “talk to one another” for more Market Efficiency

CoreLogic Releases 2020s Hottest Cities for Homebuyers

CoreLogic publishes great industry data on the housing market. The first ever Hottest Cities annual report shows the top cities that are growing, where people are moving to, and how technology plays a leading role in the homebuying process. Take a look to see if your city is on the list!

By |2021-08-11T08:08:56-07:00August 11th, 2021|Reports, Research|Comments Off on CoreLogic Releases 2020s Hottest Cities for Homebuyers

The Future of Coming Soon Status – 2020 WAV Group White Paper

The purpose of the WAV Group Coming Soon Policy Study is to help MLSs reflect the perspectives of brokers and agents in shaping Coming Soon policies.

By |2020-02-27T07:00:17-08:00February 25th, 2020|Our Company, Reports, Suveys and Research, WAV Group Research|Comments Off on The Future of Coming Soon Status – 2020 WAV Group White Paper

Fe Fi Fo Fum: American Search Giants

WAV Group uses benchmarking tools like Hitwise® and ComScore® to study how brands in real estate accomplish the goal of reaching consumers online.

By |2019-06-19T11:48:50-07:00June 19th, 2019|Business Intelligence, Our Company, Our Services, Reports, Research|Comments Off on Fe Fi Fo Fum: American Search Giants

Consumer Journey is More Like Chutes and Ladders

A tremendous amount of energy and money has been invested into moving consumers from a digital experience into an agent relationship. Consumer research performed by the National Association of REALTORS® regularly indicates that consumers start their process of buying or selling online before connecting with a Realtor®. I do not think anyone denies it.

By |2019-01-29T14:37:25-08:00January 29th, 2019|Broker-Agent Information, Reports|Comments Off on Consumer Journey is More Like Chutes and Ladders

Swanepoel Trends Report Overview

Each year, I review the Swanepoel Trends Report. It’s a nod of respect for Stefan Swanepoel and the work that he does. His reports deliver exactly what they intend. They provide a few hours of reading that will stimulate you to absorb various perspectives and reflect. I have a full library of the reports and find myself pulling them off the shelf throughout the year for one reason or another. The real estate industry is a living thing that is fundamental to society. Like the history that comes before it, we watch change happen and are influenced by our years [...]

By |2018-02-07T16:00:40-08:00February 7th, 2018|Main category, Reports|Comments Off on Swanepoel Trends Report Overview