WAV Group Releases 2024 Brokerage Technology Roadmap Part 2: The Intranet

Part 2 of the report sheds light on the pivotal role played by the company intranet in driving agent productivity and facilitating product adoption. Building an effective intranet involves careful consideration of various factors, including email integration, single sign-on functionality, and commission payment portals.

By |2024-07-16T12:57:50-07:00April 3rd, 2024|Broker-Agent Information, Real Estate Technology, Reports, Technology, Whitepaper|Comments Off on WAV Group Releases 2024 Brokerage Technology Roadmap Part 2: The Intranet

WAV Group Homeowners Under Management White Paper

We see the emergence of homeownership portals happening now. We anticipate that homeownership portals will replace or transform property search portals and real estate CRMs. 

By |2023-02-16T08:23:03-08:00February 16th, 2023|Follow the Leader, Industry Observations, Our Services, Real Estate Technology, Technology, Whitepaper|Comments Off on WAV Group Homeowners Under Management White Paper

New Study Reveals Increased Transparency Leads to Increased Value

WAV Group’s new Buyer Agent Commission Study reveals many insights from buyers about their awareness, understanding and appreciation of how commissions work when buying a home.

By |2022-10-12T04:17:52-07:00October 12th, 2022|Reports, Research, Suveys and Research, Whitepaper|Comments Off on New Study Reveals Increased Transparency Leads to Increased Value

Whitepaper Release: Ocusell New Listing Management Tool for MLSs and Brokers

Today, the primary listing management solution used by brokers is the stock solution that is provided by the MLS system vendor. From there, listings are returned back to the brokerage. Ocusell's whitepaper discusses the business toils of listing management that creates the demand for having a stand-alone listing management solution.

By |2022-09-27T16:03:18-07:00September 27th, 2022|Broker Information, Broker Technology Research, MLS Insights, Our Services, Real Estate Technology, Whitepaper|Comments Off on Whitepaper Release: Ocusell New Listing Management Tool for MLSs and Brokers