REAL AI: Free AI image creation, 5 ways agents can use image generators, facts, headlines, and AI Quote of the Week

By Kevin Hawkins with Korey Hawkins | Vol. 2 Post 29 REAL AI is a human-created weekly roundup of all things AI in real estate and emerging AI innovations in other sectors likely to impact real estate. We post a new edition every Friday, and our free newsletter is delivered to your inbox every Monday. Joining the AI image generator movement Have you noticed that the photo or image atop your favorite news story or feature often is crediting Midjourney? Chances are it used to say Adobe Stock, Getty Images, or a similar paid licensing image site. You will still [...]

By |2024-07-19T08:13:48-07:00July 19th, 2024|Artificial Intelligence, Marketing, News, PropTech, Real Estate Technology, Technology, Uncategorized|Comments Off on REAL AI: Free AI image creation, 5 ways agents can use image generators, facts, headlines, and AI Quote of the Week

REAL AI: AI convenience versus risk, Cool Gemini AI party trick, headlines, fast facts and AI quote of the week

By Kevin Hawkins with Korey Hawkins | Vol. 2 Post 27 REAL AI is a human-created weekly roundup of all things AI in real estate and emerging AI innovations in other sectors likely to impact real estate. We post a new edition every Friday, and our free newsletter is delivered every Monday. AI convenience versus risk Trying to keep up with the latest AI developments is like solving a Rubik's Cube that changes colors every second. There's also an extra layer of cutting through the hyperbole and inaccuracies reported daily. For example, a recent blog post touted a "breakthrough" using [...]

By |2024-07-05T08:06:42-07:00July 5th, 2024|Artificial Intelligence, Industry Observations, PropTech, Real Estate Technology, Technology|Comments Off on REAL AI: AI convenience versus risk, Cool Gemini AI party trick, headlines, fast facts and AI quote of the week

Real AI: AI avatars to attend meetings, AI “good or bad” debate continues, facts, headlines and AI quote of the week

By Kevin Hawkins with Korey Hawkins | Vol. 2 Post 23 Real AI is a 100% human-created weekly roundup of all things AI in real estate and emerging AI innovations in other sectors likely to impact real estate, posting weekly. Images are AI + human generated. Will AI avatars attend meetings for you? File this one under "please don't." Sometimes, just because you can do something doesn't necessarily mean you should. Someone needs to tell Google and Zoom that – and pronto! Both firms are working on AI avatars that will attend meetings for us. The initial results are frightening, [...]

By |2024-06-07T08:39:07-07:00June 7th, 2024|Artificial Intelligence, PropTech, Real Estate Technology, Technology, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real AI: AI avatars to attend meetings, AI “good or bad” debate continues, facts, headlines and AI quote of the week

REAL AI: Crazy about Canva, AI Newsbytes, facts, headlines, and AI quote of the week

By Kevin Hawkins with Korey Hawkins | Vol. 2 Post 21 Real AI is a 100% human-created weekly roundup of all things AI in real estate and emerging AI innovations in other sectors likely to impact real estate, posting weekly. Crazy about Canva This is a brief story about the best $10 a month a real estate agent can spend on any marketing tool. Canva was the online design tool that teachers and some real estate agents were raving about back in 2015. For teachers, their accounts were free. It was all WYSIWYG for everyone else – almost the opposite [...]

By |2024-05-23T16:26:58-07:00May 24th, 2024|Artificial Intelligence, Business Intelligence, Computer Vision, PropTech, Real Estate Technology, Technology|Comments Off on REAL AI: Crazy about Canva, AI Newsbytes, facts, headlines, and AI quote of the week

Real AI: AI will kill showing traffic, headlines, fast facts and AI quote of the week

By Kevin Hawkins with Korey Hawkins | Vol. 2 Post 19 Real AI is a 100% human-created weekly roundup of all things AI in real estate and emerging AI innovations in other sectors likely to impact real estate, posting weekly.  AI will kill showing traffic but that’s a good thing The big AI takeaway from the 2024 National Association of Realtors Legislative Meetings (known in the industry as Midyear) held this week in Washington, DC, was an unexpected consequence of AI. This concept materialized during the Q&A at the end of the Emerging Business Issues & Technology Forum, "Integrating AI [...]

By |2024-05-10T10:31:33-07:00May 10th, 2024|Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Marketing, PropTech, Real Estate Technology, RESO, Technology, Virtual Real Estate, Virtual Tours|Comments Off on Real AI: AI will kill showing traffic, headlines, fast facts and AI quote of the week

Real AI: AI agents are the next big thing, AI and the Big Apple, fast facts, and AI quote of the week

By Kevin Hawkins with Korey Hawkins | Vol. 2 Issue 18 Real AI is a 100% human-created weekly roundup of all things AI in real estate and emerging AI innovations in other sectors likely to impact real estate, posting weekly. AI agents are the next big thing This week, Sam Altman, head of OpenAI, tells MIT Technology Review that AI agents are poised to become AI's killer app. Compared to what these new AI Agents will do, ChatGPT-4 will look pretty dumb, Altman says. What is the difference between an AI chatbot and an AI agent? Think of an AI chatbot [...]

By |2024-05-10T10:44:50-07:00May 3rd, 2024|Artificial Intelligence, Industry Observations, PropTech, Real Estate Technology, Technology|Comments Off on Real AI: AI agents are the next big thing, AI and the Big Apple, fast facts, and AI quote of the week

WAV Group Releases 2024 Brokerage Technology Roadmap Part 3: Data Management

As technology continues to redefine the landscape of the real estate industry, brokerages are increasingly relying on data-driven strategies to stay ahead of the curve. In the latest installment of WAV Group's 2024 Brokerage Technology Roadmap, Part 3 dives deep into the critical realm of data management. Let's explore the cornerstone of data management outlined in this report: creating a robust data collection policy and strategy.

By |2024-05-01T09:27:52-07:00May 1st, 2024|Broker Information, PropTech, Real Estate Technology, Suveys and Research|Comments Off on WAV Group Releases 2024 Brokerage Technology Roadmap Part 3: Data Management

Real AI: AI will make the big, bigger, latest AI trends, headlines, fast facts and AI Quote of the Week

By Kevin Hawkins with Korey Hawkins | Vol. 2 Post 15 Real AI is a 100% human-created weekly roundup of all things AI in real estate and emerging AI innovations in other sectors likely to impact real estate, posting weekly. AI will make the big, bigger Today, AI is in the business news headlines everywhere you look. Within 12 hours this week, OpenAI, Google, and Meta announced new AI versions. The French AI startup Mistral also released its latest version. Meta is launching its third version of Llama. Google released Gemini Pro 1.5 at Google Next 24. OpenAI issued its final [...]

By |2024-05-10T10:52:07-07:00April 12th, 2024|Artificial Intelligence, PropTech, Real Estate Technology, Research, Technology, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real AI: AI will make the big, bigger, latest AI trends, headlines, fast facts and AI Quote of the Week

Real AI: Chatting with the ChatGPT app, real estate agents and Chatbot privacy dilemma, headlines and an AI Quote of the Week

By Kevin Hawkins with Korey Hawkins | Vol. 2 Post 14 Real AI is a 100% human-created weekly roundup of all things AI in real estate and emerging AI innovations in other sectors likely to impact real estate, posting weekly. Chatting with the ChatGPT app A splash screen inside my ChatGPT app on my iPhone 14 recently popped up, inviting me to select a "voice." Its prompt was that I could converse with ChatGPT rather than a text search. So, I went into Settings, which is a little tricky to find. First, go to the top left of the screen [...]

By |2024-05-10T10:53:52-07:00April 5th, 2024|Artificial Intelligence, PropTech, Real Estate Technology, Research, Technology|Comments Off on Real AI: Chatting with the ChatGPT app, real estate agents and Chatbot privacy dilemma, headlines and an AI Quote of the Week

Real AI: AI’s sophomore slump, 5 great ChatGPT party tricks, headlines, fast facts and AI quote of the week

By Kevin Hawkins with Korey Hawkins | Vol. 2 Post 13  Real AI is a 100% human-created weekly roundup of all things AI in real estate and emerging AI innovations in other sectors likely to impact real estate, posting weekly. Welcome to AI’s sophomore slump Earlier this week, the headlines warned, "It's not just you: ChatGPT is down for many worldwide.” For those who rely on ChatGPT for work assistance, having your AI offline can be frightful. It's sort of like misplacing your iPhone: you go into a panic until it is found. How many times do you refresh your [...]

By |2024-05-10T10:55:10-07:00March 29th, 2024|Artificial Intelligence, News, PropTech, Real Estate Technology, Technology|Comments Off on Real AI: AI’s sophomore slump, 5 great ChatGPT party tricks, headlines, fast facts and AI quote of the week

Real AI: Is AI another boys’ club? Ode to Otter, headlines and an AI Quote of the Week

By Kevin Hawkins with Korey Hawkins | Vol. 2 Post 12  Real AI is a 100% human-created weekly roundup of all things AI in real estate and emerging AI innovations in other sectors likely to impact real estate, posting weekly. Does AI have a gender problem? As a long-time advocate of gender parity, an email in my inbox this week from Laura Meli with Girls Who Code asked this question as its subject line: “Is AI another boys’ club?” The email immediately notes that technological innovation and progress demand diverse perspectives, adding, “This is especially true in the field of [...]

By |2024-05-10T10:58:33-07:00March 22nd, 2024|Artificial Intelligence, PropTech, Real Estate Technology, Technology, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real AI: Is AI another boys’ club? Ode to Otter, headlines and an AI Quote of the Week

Real AI: How current are the Chatbots, facts, headlines and an AI Quote of the Week

By Kevin Hawkins with Korey Hawkins | Vol. 2 Post 11 Real AI is a 100% human-created weekly roundup of all things AI in real estate and emerging AI innovations in other sectors likely to impact real estate, posting weekly. How current are the Chatbots ChatGPT, Claude, Gemini, and Pi? A client recently asked what seemed to be a pretty straightforward question about AI chatbots. “What is the most accurate and up-to-date AI engine available for content?” The truth is there is no easy answer to this question. First, the leading Chatbots continually improve through iteration and new training data. [...]

By |2024-05-10T11:39:18-07:00March 15th, 2024|Artificial Intelligence, PropTech, Real Estate Technology, Technology, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real AI: How current are the Chatbots, facts, headlines and an AI Quote of the Week