Brokers Need to Rethink Their Website Strategy

The three key objectives of delivering integrated tools to agents, highlighting company listings on the broker website, and marketing agents on the broker website are paramount to success...

How Realogy and Keller Williams Will Win With AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) may be in the early days of its development, but this brand-new area of technology already promises to transform the way people and machines work together. Divergent AI strategies emerge from two of the largest real estate organizations in America: Keller Williams and Realogy.

Real Estate Journalists Heading to Austin

Since 1929, the non-profit NAREE has been a place where real estate writers, editors, columnists, authors, and communicators come together to learn, as well as exchange ideas and best practices and get to know one another better.

By |2019-06-11T09:57:54-07:00June 11th, 2019|Conferences, Main category, Marketing|0 Comments

Stellar MLS is Live and Shooting for the Stars!

Stellar MLS has laid it down for other MLSs around the country to follow. They are setting a bar higher and higher for themselves to ensure that every product, service, contact, event, and marketing program is Stellar.  They won’t stop until they get feedback in every aspect of their business.

How do you say award-winning AI in real estate? Try OJO

Last week was one for the awards record book for Austin-based OJO Labs, real estate’s leading Artificial Intelligence powerhouse, which includes Twin-Cities-based data giant WolfNet. OJO Labs won...

By |2019-06-04T08:55:47-07:00June 4th, 2019|Clients, Press Releases, Technology|1 Comment

Catalysts Creating WAVes of Fast Change in a Slow-Moving Industry

There are many pillars of change happening in the industry today, some more significant than others, driven by very different catalysts. Teamwork drives higher productivity and greater income.